
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Today's Notices!

Today's Notices!


- Reading books will not be sent home to avoid items going to and from the school until further notice. Please could all books your children have at home be returned to school please.


- Could the children please not bring anything in from home that they don't need such as pencil cases and soft toys, etc.


- No Guitar lessons now until after Easter Holiday. Year 4 please keep your guitars at home to practise on.


- Lego Club will finish this Thursday (19th March)


- All inter-school sports fixtures and competitions have been cancelled.


- There will be no Gymnastics event at CGC on Thursday 26th March


- There will be no Gymnastics event at CGC on Thursday 26th March


- Unfortunately there will be no running club with Mr A this Friday. It will resume after the Easter Holiday


- Breakfast and After School Club cancelled from Monday 23rd March 2020 until after Easter Holiday
