
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Visions and Values

Our mission statement is:


Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality.


Here at Wincheap Foundation Primary School, we aim:


  • To provide a happy, safe and secure environment with exciting and stimulating opportunities.
  • To provide an inclusive, creative and enriched curriculum, reflecting the diversity of needs; enabling every child to make best progress, whilst nurturing their talents within a positive ethos.
  • To acknowledge and celebrate efforts and achievements.
  • To develop self-esteem and promote an awareness of health and physical well-being.
  • To provide children with the skills to learn and to foster a sense of confidence, independence and responsibility.
  • To teach children how to be responsible citizens by encouraging appropriate social skills and values.
  • To cultivate a passion for life-long learning amongst all.
  • To provide opportunities for parents to have an active and supportive role in their child’s education and to promote links with the wider community.