Our inclusive curriculum is based on our core vision and values. We are committed to nurturing each pupil’s talents and abilities, enabling them to reach their full potential across the whole of our broad and exciting curriculum. We give all children opportunities to be ambitious, resilient, confident, considerate and enthusiastic learners.
Our School Community
Our curriculum strongly reflects the context of our school and the needs of all of our children, including those in the early years and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It is underpinned by an understanding that our pupils are unique in their needs and circumstances, and is designed to cultivate a passion for life-long learning and to provide them with an extensive and stimulating variety of learning experiences. We closely tailor learning to meet the needs and interests of all our pupils in all classes and year groups, including those in our specialist resourced provision with speech, language and communication difficulties (Speech and Language Department - SLD). Many learning opportunities are drawn from the rich history and geography of our local area so we can bring learning to life, build on pupils’ prior knowledge and enable them to make concrete and relevant links with their everyday experience. Our creative approach to the curriculum allows us to give all pupils a rich breadth of experiences that extend and complement those they may have outside school, whatever their background. It allows many occasions for parents to come into school and share their children’s learning and successes, building strong home-school partnerships to support pupils to achieve to their full potential across the whole curriculum. Extensive opportunities for pupils’ broader personal development are woven throughout our curriculum and linked to our school and wider community to build on their knowledge and prepare them for life in modern Britain.
Topic-based Curriculum
We believe that pupils thrive in their learning through a rich and balanced curriculum that enables them to develop deep understanding in all subjects and the interconnections between them. Individual subjects are taught within a creative topic-based curriculum but with a strong focus on carefully sequenced acquisition of knowledge appropriate to each. Our thematic curriculum ensures that pupils develop their knowledge and understanding sequentially, building on their learning year on year in all subjects. This means that they know more, remember more and can do more as they move through the school so they achieve very well in all subjects. This begins in reception with a topic-based curriculum consistent with that followed in all year groups and designed to enable children to develop their knowledge across the 7 areas of learning and development so they are ready for Year 1 by the end of the foundation stage. Our school curriculum map focuses on progression for all, including pupils with SEND, the most-able and the most disadvantaged, so that all pupils are prepared well for the next stages of their education. Our topic-based approach enables pupils to enjoy the richness and fun of learning, as well as to strengthen their learning through making links between different areas of the curriculum.