
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Immediate School Closure

Dear Parents and Carers, 


I am sure you will be aware of the Prime Minister’s announcement this evening that schools will close to most children immediately.  As a result, we will be closed for all pupils tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January, so we can make plans to open for children of critical workers and certain other children.


If you are a critical worker and would like to request a place for your child, please either phone the school office or email me on between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 midday tomorrow to allow us to put arrangements in place. You will need to give us details of your employment so we can apply the government criteria for eligibility.  We will also need you to commit to sending your child to school full time so we can safely operate group bubbles.


If your child has an Education and Healthcare plan, they will also qualify for a place.  Please contact us between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 midday tomorrow as above to let us know whether you wish your child to attend.


We will contact any other families with children who qualify for a place tomorrow morning.


We are aiming to re-open for those children who are allocated a place on Wednesday 6th January. We will confirm whether your child has been given a place and let you know about arrangements later tomorrow once we have been able to make plans.


Please remember that every child who can be safely cared for at home, should be. The fewer children making the journey to school and the fewer children in school, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and affect vulnerable individuals in wider society. Sending your child to school should be the last resort if you have no other alternative.


For all other children, we will switch to remote learning.  Please continue to look at the class newsletters/home learning page under the ‘children’ tab on our website for more information and for updates to plans.


I would like to thank you again for your continued support in these challenging times.  We look forward to welcoming all children back in school as soon as we are able to re-open fully.  In the meantime, please stay well and keep in touch. 


Best wishes, Nicola Dawson 

