
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Free School Meals & Vouchers

Dear Parents and Carers,


Free School Meals and Vouchers 


As you will be aware, we are making great strides forward in opening school to a wider group, with some of our Foundation Stage children returning on Monday 8th June. We just wanted to clarify the situation regarding free school meals eligibility and the voucher system.


As directed by the government, if a child is in school, they must have access to food provided by the school, but this means that they are not able to receive vouchers. If a child eligible for free school meals is in school for part of a week, parents would need to come to school to collect the packed lunch on days when the child is not in school. We are unable to do a mix of school packed lunches and vouchers. We are also unable to provide vouchers as an alternative to a school packed lunch if your child is in school.


For the time being, all children in school as from 8th June may have a school packed lunch provided for free should they wish to.


We hope that answers the questions that many of you may have regarding ongoing vouchers.
