
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Easter Holiday Care

Dear Parents and Carers,
We are currently trying to assess what provision we may be able to offer during the Easter holidays to care for children who attend Wincheap school whose parents are key workers critical to the COVID-19 response. Our staff numbers are dwindling rapidly as many are either self-isolating or have symptoms, so we are likely to have minimal staff, but would like to support where we can. We will not be able to open at weekends and during the bank holiday and cannot guarantee that we will be able to open every day.
Please indicate on the form below which days childcare will be essential for you and we will try to accommodate this if we can. We would be grateful if you could return this as soon as possible, and by Friday 27th March at the latest so we are able to make arrangements. Please e-mail your completed forms to
Please be aware we may not have sufficient staff to open on all the days that are requested. We will not be able to provide lunch, breakfast club or after-school club.
We would also like to remind you of national guidance that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.
Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson