Dear Parents and Carers,
I’m sure many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s speech last night and will have heard that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools for certain year groups from the 1st June. This is part of a conditional plan, which the government says will remain under regular review.
I’m sure as parents, you will have many questions over this recent announcement, which will range from exactly which children may come back into school first, to how we are going to keep them safe, including social distancing measures. Unfortunately, I am not yet in a position to answer many of your questions until further clarity is provided to schools. However, I would like to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our children and the community will remain our priority.
Detailed guidance from the government is due to be published in the coming days. Once I know more, I will be exploring the options and working with staff to ensure a safe return to school for children in those year groups.
In the short term, we will remain open for children of key workers and we will be here to support all our other parents remotely, as we have done over the past few weeks. If you are a key worker and need provision for your child over the half term break, please do let me know as soon as possible, by email to or by completing a form sent home with your children. Once we know expected numbers, we will be in a position to ascertain whether this is a service we can provide.
I will be in touch again when I have more information for you. In the meantime, please bear with us. Thank you as always for your continued support and positivity.
Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson