
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Coronavirus Update - 150320

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are aware that there have been various posts on the parents Facebook page that are causing concern to other parents re the Coronavirus.


Please be reassured that we are taking this virus very seriously and doing all we can as a school to protect our children.


Here at Wincheap we will continue to follow advice from the DfE and communicate with parents immediately via letter, our website and Facebook. We would not want any parent to be worried. We will always have the children’s health and safety at the heart of everything we do.


Children will be asked to wash their hands thoroughly before entering classrooms and at key points throughout the day. If, as parents, you are concerned, please consult the NHS website. If concerns persist, then please telephone us to discuss.


Any child with the symptoms of a new cough and temperature should not come into school but should self isolate for 7 days. But it is of utmost importance that you let us know on the first morning of absence so that we are aware.


Thank you for your ongoing support.
