
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality


  • New One Way System

    Thu 28 May 2020 ND
    Please find below the map for the one way system and routes into classrooms for children who’ve been allocated a place as from 2nd June. This will enable social distancing and aims to keep all members of our school community safe.
  • School Closed - 01.06.20

    Thu 28 May 2020 ND

    Please could we remind parents that school is closed to all children (including key worker children) on Monday 1st June for deep cleaning and preparation.


    We will then open on Tuesday 2nd June to agreed requests from key worker parents.


    We have yet to agree a definitive date for wider opening to other year groups (in the interest of safety) and will let parents know nearer the time by Facebook, the website and phone call.

  • Kent Test

    Sat 23 May 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers of Year 5 children,

    The latest suggestion from the local authority with regard to the Kent Test is that they are currently considering two different options.

    The first would be that children would not take the test until later in Year 6 after having submitted secondary school preferences to the local authority. The second being that teacher assessment would inform this process.

    We will continue to keep you updated as and when we know any more.
    Again, thank you for your patience.

  • Year 5 - Kent Test

    Fri 22 May 2020 ND

    To all parents and carers of children in Year 5.


    You may find it helpful to see the statement to parents which will be posted on the Kent Test page of in advance of registration opening:


    Dear Parents,


    We understand that many of you with children in Year 5 are very anxious to know what will happen about the Kent Test when the new school year starts in September. We are carefully considering what might be deliverable, depending on advice from central government as the pandemic runs its course and decisions are made about the easing of lockdown for children of primary school age.


    Many factors could change between now and the end of term and this means that we are currently unable to tell you exactly how we will assess children for grammar school in the new academic year. We can confirm, however, that we will need some way to identify which children are eligible.


    Testing has the benefit of being available to the thousands of grammar school applicants we normally assess every year, however recently they have arrived in Kent and wherever they usually study, even if they are home educated, so it would be the most straightforward option if it is possible. Whatever is decided, though, we need to be confident that we can keep the risk to children and their teachers as low as possible, allowing grammar schools meet their legal obligations in a fair and transparent way,  while allowing KCC to stay within the national timetable for coordinating school admissions.


    We appreciate that everyone of school age is missing classroom teaching, but it is fortunate that there are many excellent resources available through schools and education sites for children. Familiarisation material for the Kent Test can also be found in the “Test Paper” tab below.



    We will update the website for everyone’s benefit when we have received further guidance from the Department for Education and there is a clearer understanding of what arrangements may be possible. In the meantime, we would ask that parents monitor the Kent Test page for updates, rather than sending individual enquiries. We do understand that uncertainty is difficult, especially for children, but KCC is unable to confirm what arrangements will be in place until there is a clearer understanding of how children are likely to return to school in greater numbers.


  • Key Worker's Children

    Tue 19 May 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    We are currently trying to review the provision we make for key workers’ children in Term 6 so that we can continue to support where we can, whilst also providing for Year R, Year 1 and Year 6 as advised by the government.


    Our plan is to begin Term 6 in a more structured and academic way, with children back in school uniform, in groups of no more than 10, organised with Years 1/2 Years 3/4 and Year 5/6 in groups together, with a teacher and a teaching assistant who will work with them where possible through to the end of term or until schools are reopened safely. Where possible, there will be an emphasis on learning and the curriculum. Please note that from 8th June, Year R children will be in a separate group with other Year R children.


    Please would you indicate on the attached form which regular days you will require your child to be in school so that we can start to make arrangements. It would be appreciated if you would return this to me or email me ( ) by Friday 22nd May at the latest. We will not be able to provide breakfast club or after school club at this time. However, we will start to provide packed lunches from 8th June free of charge should you wish your child to have one.


    Thank you as always for your support.


    Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson


  • School Re-Openning

    Tue 19 May 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    I am writing to update you on our plans for reopening school to further children according to government guidance. As you are aware, we are being requested to open from 1st June to Years R, 1 and 6 in that order. We are currently working hard on risk assessments and in liaison with governors whilst following ongoing guidance from the local authority and the DfE, so that we have all possible measures in place to support the safety of our children, which, as you can imagine, is a huge and challenging task.


    Consequently, we will not be opening until 8th June and at that time for Foundation Stage children only. We have spoken to Foundation Stage parents so all are aware and fully supportive of our plans.

    Once we have the youngest children settled in school again, we aim to work towards enabling Years 1 and 6 to also return, with Year 1 first and Year 6 afterwards (as set out in government guidance), although we have not yet set a definitive date for either year group yet. Parents from these year groups are being canvassed to see how many children we should expect, informing planning and staffing. If we have not yet been in contact and you have children in any of those year groups, please bear with us, we will talk to you over the next few days.

    Key workers’ children continue to be welcome throughout this time, including over half term (Tuesday to Thursday only).

    We will be in touch soon to give you more information on how this will work, and we thank you for your patience while we work out all the safety logistics.

  • Covid 19 Update

    Mon 11 May 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I’m sure many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s speech last night and will have heard that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools for certain year groups‪ from the 1st June. This is part of a conditional plan, which the government says will remain under regular review.


    I’m sure as parents, you will have many questions over this recent announcement, which will range from exactly which children may come back into school first, to how we are going to keep them safe, including social distancing measures.  Unfortunately, I am not yet in a position to answer many of your questions until further clarity is provided to schools. However, I would like to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our children and the community will remain our priority.

    Detailed guidance from the government is due to be published in the coming days. Once I know more, I will be exploring the options and working with staff to ensure a safe return to school for children in those year groups.


    In the short term, we will remain open for children of key workers and we will be here to support all our other parents remotely, as we have done over the past few weeks. If you are a key worker and need provision for your child over the half term break, please do let me know as soon as possible, by email to or by completing a form sent home with your children. Once we know expected numbers, we will be in a position to ascertain whether this is a service we can provide.


    I will be in touch again when I have more information for you. In the meantime, please bear with us. Thank you as always for your continued support and positivity.


    Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson


  • May Half Term

    Mon 11 May 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We are currently trying to assess what provision we may be able to offer during the May half term holiday to care for children who attend Wincheap School whose parents are key workers critical to the COVID-19 response. We will not be able to open at weekends and during the bank holiday and cannot guarantee that we will be able to open every day, but would like to support where we can.

    Please indicate on the attached form which days that childcare will be essential for you and we will try to accommodate this if we can. We would be grateful if you could return this as soon as possible, and by Friday 15th May at the latest so we are able to make arrangements. Please be aware we may not have sufficient staff to open on all the days that are requested. We will not be able to provide lunch, breakfast club or after-school club. Children do not need to wear school uniform.
    We would also like to remind you of national guidance that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.

    Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson
