
Wincheap Foundation

Primary School

Developing skills for life and celebrating individuality

Latest News

Please see below for all of the latest news & information from Wincheap Primary School...

  • Kent Test Update

    Wed 22 Jul 2020 ND

    To all parents and carer's of children in Year 5 going in to Year 6,


    After communication today from the local authority, we can now confirm that the date of the Kent Test will be 15th October 2020.


    The link below is to a document of Frequently Asked Questions.


    FAQS Here


    Hope you all have a wonderful summer break.

  • Parent Info Newsletter for September 2020

    Mon 20 Jul 2020 ND
  • Year 6 Leavers Video

    Fri 17 Jul 2020 PW

    Year 6 Parents!


    The leavers video is now available to download... Please use the link below and the password provided in the letter sent home to view the video and download.


  • Parent Letter - Staying Safe Online

    Fri 10 Jul 2020 AC
  • Next Year...

    Thu 09 Jul 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As we get closer to the end of term, I am sure that many of you will have questions related to next year and how this will work for your children. As you will be aware, we are currently ploughing through guidance and intend to update you as soon as we have finalised arrangements.


    This extensive information is likely to be shared with you via Facebook and the website (as usual in current times) during the early part of the week beginning 20th July 2020, so please continue to look out for any announcements there.


    In the meantime your ongoing patience and support is very much appreciated.

    Thank you!


    Nicola Dawson


  • Return To School Update

    Tue 09 Jun 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Following the news this morning that the government are no longer expecting all primary school children to return for a month before the end of term, I wanted to update you on where we are at as a school. As you will be aware, we have had some of our Foundation Stage children back in school this week, which has been very successful so far. We are now working on plans to bring back some of the Year 1 children in the next couple of weeks. Towards the end of this term, we will be giving our Year 6 children the opportunity to return, so that we can ensure that they have closure with their teachers and friends, as well as a chance to explore transition.


    With these year groups back in school, as well as 6 classes of key-worker children, it is very unlikely that we will be able to bring back any further year groups at this stage. With guidance from the government that we can have no more than 15 children per ‘bubble’, we do not have the space or the staff to enable us to widen opening to further year groups before September.


    Consequently, we will be very mindful of how we support children in these other year groups in the meantime and once we are back in school at some point in the future. We will be exploring how we can give children time for closure with current teaching staff whilst providing opportunities for transition to new year groups. The mental health and well-being of our children will continue to be at the heart of all that we do.


    Please be assured that we will continue to be in touch with all our families over the next few weeks and will update you once we know more ourselves. Thank you, as always for your continued support.

  • Free School Meals & Vouchers

    Fri 05 Jun 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Free School Meals and Vouchers 


    As you will be aware, we are making great strides forward in opening school to a wider group, with some of our Foundation Stage children returning on Monday 8th June. We just wanted to clarify the situation regarding free school meals eligibility and the voucher system.


    As directed by the government, if a child is in school, they must have access to food provided by the school, but this means that they are not able to receive vouchers. If a child eligible for free school meals is in school for part of a week, parents would need to come to school to collect the packed lunch on days when the child is not in school. We are unable to do a mix of school packed lunches and vouchers. We are also unable to provide vouchers as an alternative to a school packed lunch if your child is in school.


    For the time being, all children in school as from 8th June may have a school packed lunch provided for free should they wish to.


    We hope that answers the questions that many of you may have regarding ongoing vouchers.

  • Year 6 Update

    Fri 05 Jun 2020 KS

    Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6 Children,


    We hope you and your families are well and have been enjoying this glorious sunshine as often as you are able to! As the summer terms begins, we know that many children will be thinking ahead to the end of term and what this may entail, so we wanted to share some updates with you all. Unfortunately we are not able to move forward with a Year 6 return to school by 22nd June as we had hoped. We will be calling parents next week to update you all with our plans. Please contact the school if you do not receive a call next week.


    Firstly, we would like to reassure you that we have spent much time in communication with your child’s secondary school to ensure that they have as much information as possible about your child to ensure a smooth transition to Year 7, which we feel is a priority. Government guidance states that teaching should now focus on readiness for secondary school. Consequently, we have planned some dedicated PSHE time for children to discuss this upcoming transition, both at school for those that can attend, and at home for those that cannot.


    The safety of your children is, of course, another priority for us. We have been busy ensuring children are able to return to school in the safest possible way by setting up appropriate social distancing measures in their classrooms and around the school.


    Regrettably, as per government guidance, it is unlikely that the usual ‘rites of passage’ that come to Year 6 children, such as our production, leavers’ assembly and other end-of-term excitement will not be able to proceed in the same way, if at all. It brings us huge sadness that the production at the Gulbenkian is not something we can proceed with due to the theatre remaining closed, as well as the difficulties we would face in putting a show together safely. Much the same can currently be said for the leavers’ assembly for similar safety reasons. Once again, we have planned some dedicated PSHE time for children to discuss their feelings around this.


    We understand how important these events are to both the children and yourselves as proud parents and carers, and are constantly communicating to share suggestions as to how we can put something together as an ‘alternative goodbye’ to mark the end of the children’s primary school journey. Please be assured that we will continue to review end-of-term celebrations in light of any changes to the government’s guidance for schools and social distancing measures, whilst prioritising the safety of all involved.


    We would like to extend a huge thank you for your support over the past few months. We know that you have done your best to support your child in the most appropriate way during this challenging time. As staff, we have received so many kind and supportive words from you that have meant a great deal to us. Your children remain our priority amongst the chaos and hope that you, and they, can understand any alternative arrangements we have to make.


    Our thanks again and best wishes,

    The Year 6 Team

  • Friday Closing Times

    Tue 02 Jun 2020 ND

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I am writing to thank you for your support and patience with our new systems of working, with the staggered entrances and exits and the one way system. Your support is as ever, very appreciated. The children have had a wonderful time in their new class groups and the weather has certainly helped.


    Please can I remind you that we will be closing every Friday at 1pm for deep cleaning, so would be grateful for your cooperation in collecting your child at the time specified on the letter you have received, adhering to social distancing rules and queueing in the allocated spaces.


    Many thanks as always.


    Yours sincerely, Nicola Dawson


  • New One Way System

    Thu 28 May 2020 ND
    Please find below the map for the one way system and routes into classrooms for children who’ve been allocated a place as from 2nd June. This will enable social distancing and aims to keep all members of our school community safe.