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It is a pleasure to welcome you to our school!

Thank you for taking the time to look at our website.  I hope that it will give you some idea of what life is like at Wincheap Foundation Primary School and the fantastic opportunities that we offer our children.

Our mission statement, ‘Celebrating individuality, enabling every child to flourish and reach their full potential', reflects our aims of nurturing each child’s talents and abilities, giving them opportunities to be happy, resilient and enthusiastic learners and enabling them to make good or better progress across all areas of the curriculum.

At Wincheap, we strive to provide all our children with a rich, varied and exciting curriculum with a broad range of stimulating learning experiences.    We particularly value the arts and are proud to have held Artsmark Gold for many years in recognition of our achievements in this area.  We enjoy regularly inviting parents into school to celebrate their children’s successes through productions, class assemblies and ‘showcase’ opportunities to share learning, and events such as Festival on the Field.  All of our children in all classes benefit from outdoor learning in our fabulous, well-established forest school taught by a full-time specialist teacher and set within our extensive school grounds. 

We pride ourselves on the inclusive nature of the school and are especially proud of our status as a school with a Specialist Resource Provision with places for 20 children with speech, language and communication difficulties in our Speech and Language Department.  We are a welcoming school and we value working in partnership with parents.  We are always pleased to welcome parents into the school and to work together to develop our children’s learning.

I feel privileged to be the headteacher of such an amazing school where a dedicated and talented team of staff and governors work with inspiring children in an atmosphere of mutual respect.  The fact that our reception classes have been massively oversubscribed in recent years speaks for itself.  Please take a look on this website at our rich and engaging curriculum as well as our latest Ofsted report which confirm that Wincheap is a fantastic school at the heart of our local community.  Please contact us or come and visit if you would like to find out more.  I would be delighted to show you round our wonderful school.

Best wishes

Nicola Dawson
